Teeth Whitening
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Teeth Whitening

We provide tooth whitening using custom-made trays and a whitening gel equivalent to 3.6% hydrogen peroxide (10% carbonide peroxide) which are worn between 1-8 hours.

The practice suggests using the lowest concentration of gel to begin with to minimise the sensitivity which is the main side effect of whitening.

Following a change in the law which took effect on 31st October 2012 we are now able to provide tooth whitening as long as certain conditions are satisfied.

  1. You must be over 18 years of age.
  2. The first use is conducted by or under the direct supervision of a dental practitioner.
  3. The maximum concentration of hydrogen peroxide contained within the product is 6%.

The current fee for whitening is from £214.00 (one arch) and from £286.00 (two arches). This consists of the first appointment which includes an initial assessment and taking of impressions, the second visit at which whitening is commenced (when full instructions for home use will be given) and one follow up review appointment.

If sensitivity is an issue then we would recommend the use of a de-sensitizing gel which can be used on alternate nights. The cost of this is approximately £40.00 per tube.

Further follow-up appointments are charged at £31.00 per visit.

If you do not experience sensitivity with 3.6% hydrogen peroxide gel but want whiter teeth we would then recommend the use of 6% hydrogen peroxide gel at the cost of £20.00 per tube.

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